
Wednesday, August 24, 2011

39 missed calls later, my best friend loves me

While in Grand Cayman this weekend, David reminded me of our trip to New Orleans and what a great time we had back in 2007.

We were young(er), more adventurous, and very carefree. Especially with our livers.

We went for a weekend. He convinced me to go, all I had to do was buy a plane ticket, because the hotel would be covered by some free passes (i don't ask questions).

I agree and buy a plane ticket.

We get to New Orleans, and at the airport in Miami we had met a nice young lady who was on our flight we spoke, and when we got to New Orleans we shared a cab to our hotels to reduce the cost. We never saw her again on the trip, but we exchanged phone numbers.

(side note and totally unrelated to this story: 2 years LATER in Miami, we meet this SAME young lady again and i remind her we (David and I) were the crazy people in the cab on that one trip to New Orleans. PEOPLE: the world is VERY SMALL-- always remember this, you never know who will cross your path)

Anyway, so we get to Harrah's, where we are staying, and immediately start drinking. Isn't that what people do in New Orleans?

The first night (Thursday) is pretty under control. We walked around bourbon street - bar hopping, called it a night pretty early to our standards (3 am-ish)

The Second day (Fri), we feel touristy- We walk all around New Orleans, for MILES, and visit the cemeteries and take the trolley back to town -- no biggy (pun intended)

Friday night, David had gotten tickets to Cirque du Soleil, so we went to that, dinner a couple drinks down Bourbon and called it a night.

SATURDAY. Saturday arrives full force. I must have gotten my rest, but I was ready to destroy my liver.
We woke up, went to breakfast, drank mimosas, and decided that drinking and taking a walking tour (bar tour) of New Orleans was in full order.

So we did.

By 3 pm. I was a disaster. I didn't know my name.

We walked into an empty bar with a Mechanical Bull. (bad idea)

David convinces me to get on. I listen. (bad idea)

I fly off. The bar tender and MC try to teach me how to hold on.

I fly off again.
I'm over it.

I go to get my shoes on... but remember... i have been drinking. Also remember, I'm on a huge inflatable.

I can't get out of the hole. Between the inflatable and the wall.
No one is helping me, All i hear are people laughing.
I'm laughing too, so this makes it all the harder to get out.

I manage it.

We leave the bar in anger (with another drink) and continue on our bar hop.

On our way around town, I find one of those shops where they sell more drinks (i must have have been out) -- i walk in, like i own the place.

I start taking to the cashier for a free drink.
I get 2.

In return, i dance around the bar, and also help him cash out customers


I would say David took me home at this point. But he didn't. He watched in awe.
So we continued.

At one point we went back to the hotel, and danced int he lobby. Here I noticed my arm hurt from my earlier fall (about 5 hours earlier) -- i freak out, and i call the paramedics. YES. I call the hotel paramedics. David can't believe it.
I'm in tears bc i'm sure i have broken my arm (i should have been concerned 5 hours ago, but those are just details)

The paramedic gives me the ok --- i feel better. We go gambling. It's now 5 am.

I can barely see.

But i know i'm in the hotel lobby.

At around 6 am, I tell David i'm going upstairs to sleep. I don't even say good bye. I just walk away.
I walk all the way through the hotel, through the casino, all the way to our room.
I walk into the room, and lock the doors, including the security lock
What if someone was going to ROB me?


I pass out.

I wake up Sunday morning --- look around, no sign of David.

I FREAK OUT. Where is he? What if something happened? OMG! i'm an evil friend!

i look for my phone.... i have 39 missed calls.

I open the door.
he's in the hallway.

It's 11 am. David had to sleep in the conference room after security was unable to open the door. I slept through the whole thing. and all 40 calls.

i look at myself in the mirror. i'm still in that yellow shirt and jeans. except my jeans are torn from back to front.....

I realize I had walked the entire hotel like that the night before.

i don't care.

It took 2 full days for David to talk to me after that trip. I don't blame him. he did sleep on 2 chairs in the conference room instead of a comfy bed.

i'm soooorrryyy!



  1. WOW... almost 100% accurate. NO LIES in this story. But she was not as kind, she was not as helpful, and she forgot to say that while we were at the store, selling daiquiris, she knocked two others. and I must say the Bull story was the best, notice how many pictures she posted, and how many more she did not. I was laughing the entire time, it was one of the funniest things in the world, funnier than the WaterFalls in jamaica, and she was a trooper, kept on getting on.

  2. And its so funny because I took so many pics of you falling and flying off the horse

  3. Still one of ny favorite trips ever.
