
Monday, August 1, 2011

Island of Adventures has instructions on their rides for a reason

So, if you are a Fl resident, you are more than likely to have gone to Universal Studios/ Island of Adventures at least 1 time in your life.

Well, I go ALL the time. Heck, I've been going since I was too short to even ride a ride. So you WOULD think that I would pay more attention to the warning signs on all the rides. And I have. I do. But only when it pertains to myself, bc i'm selfish like that.

Plus, I automatically think, young adults (anyone over 16-17) should be responsible for themselves. I'm no ones mom, especially not my boyfriends.

So here we are, a group of 6, from Miami, excited for a super fun-filled day at Universal Studios/ Island of Adventures on a Sunday, getting there in the morning, and returning at night.

These were the days where we had so much energy that 1 day trips were a great idea, and getting up at 6 am was no problem, even if you got in from Disney past midnight.

anyway, so we get in the park, and of course we have an order to our adventure, start at the Hulk, then Dr dooms thing a ma bob, then spiderman... and so on.

As you wait in the line for the Hulk (usually no less than a 60 minute wait), you can't help to stare at the riders screaming and watching all their shit fly out of their pockets or off their heads. What assholes. HELLO, you are going on a ROLLERCOASTER. why would you keep change, car keys, hats,sunglasses or anything in your pockets and/or head.

Stupid people. luckily for them, the Hulk has a HUGE net to catch all their belongings in case they need it.

Well, time passes, we ride the ride, woohoo fun.....great times. Continue with our day... get to Spiderman  (2 rides down) and my BF turns to me and says: I don't have the car keys. My heart drops. I feel an emptiness in my stomach. and say: WHAT.

He repeats: I don't have the car keys

I think, and say: I have AAA! don't worry! ( you see, at this point, i knew he had a spare key in his glove, so all we had to do was get in the car, and DUH! AAA opens cars!!!)

Perfect! All solved, we will continue with our day, and when we are done at the park, I will call AAA and they will come and save the day!

No problem. right? WRONG. Park closes, we get to the car, I call AAA, the guy shows up, and tells us after 5 min of trying to open the car that he cannot open the car because it's the new VW model and it does not allow for the hanger thing a ma bob to open it because its electronic, and it needs the key.

Ehh. FREAK OUT. Let's go to Plan B. The 6 of us return to customer service and explain to park employees that we lost our car keys on the Hulk ride. We are the assholes I was making fun of earlier.

Park employees ask us to sit and wait, and inform us that every night at 11 pm they remove the safety net under the ride, and bring all those things to lost and found in case someone claims their lost items. PERFECT! we will get the keys soon enough.

11 pm... rolls by. Net comes down. employee walks in with a plastic bag full of change, 2 sunglasses, 4 hats, and a camera..... no keys.

<<freak out again>> it's Sunday. VW is closed. Nearest VW for a new key is in ORLANDO (just FYI for VW owners). I have work at 6 am. i'm going to cry.

I ask for the manager, and explain our situation. We are poor. We need to get home. and we have no KEYS! He looks at me funny, but he seems to feel some sort of compassion for me. So he asks one of the employees to tell someone else to tell someone else to DRAIN the lake under the HULK.

ok, again, if you have ever been there, you know this is not a little lake. it's a BIG lake.

they drain it.

it's 2 am.

guy comes in at 2 am with a VW key that has been shattered into pieces and does not work.

i cry.

not because we don't have keys, won't be getting home, won't be going to work, or because i'm dating a retard, but at this point i'm crying because i got my period!!


i calm down. i tell my bf i'm going to kill him. then i call my boss to explain my situation, and inform him I would not be coming in the next morning (i'm sure he didn't believe me)

We called our friends in GAINESVILLE to come pick us up , and 8 of us rode in a VW beetle back to gainesville where we slept the night, then got a ride to Orlando to get a key, and back to Tampa to get the car, to then go home to Miami.

Let me tell you. EVERY time i go to the park, i cannot help but know that lake can be drained, and that I was part of the group of assholes that drops their things on rollercoasters.

Moral of the story: read the signs at the park.

1 comment:

  1. Aaaaaaaaaajajajajajajajajajjajaaaaaaaa!!!!!!
    Ohhh! Stephanie, start with this blog to get the motors warmed up and them move on to a book! Its gonna be a best seller!
    Can't wait to read more!!!!
