
Tuesday, August 9, 2011

If you go to Jamaica and climb Dunn's River Falls,follow the tour guide and small children.

ooooooo David. David is my best friend. David has been my best friend since I was about 15-16 years old. He's a great guy, he really is.

Good qualities: Fun, crazy, lovable, kind, giving, hard working, family oriented, amazing friend, no one can say "no" to him (especially me)

Bad qualities: Bat shit crazy, influential,  I can't say "no" to him, bat shit crazy, bat shit crazy, influential.

See, for the past couple years, David and I have been travel partners. We love to go on free trips, jump on a plane, and just lay out on the beach.  Nothing sounds better to us than sun, beach, palm trees, and crazy adventures.

He usually names the place, and I usually make the travel arrangements. Sometimes, we even say we are engaged just so we get some free perks! (it really works)

In 2007, we went to Jamaica. What a beautiful place. 

I had only been here once before, when I was really young, and I was on a cruise -- so i was REALLY excited to spend the weekend here.

David had rented a car, so we would be landing in Montego Bay, but we would be driving all around the island doing fun things... Like climbing the Dunn's River Falls Waterfall.

It's a lot bigger in person.

Anyway, we see a tour of adults and children climbing up the waterfall, holding hands. This seems safe. Everyone is doing it. We decide to do it too.

As we start climbing up behind the tour, the tour guide yells "Stay together! Hold hands! The water is strong, and we do not want anyone slipping!"

David doesn't understand danger or fear. Instead of taking this as a warning he takes it as a sign that these people are going to go SLOWER up the falls, and he just wants to get to the top!

He grabs my hand and says "lets go up the middle of the falls"

Me: David, I don;t think this is a good idea, the tour is on the side of the falls,they look safe there. The middle looks very unsafe.

David: Stephanie, those old people are going to take forever to climb this waterfall. You will be fine. I'll help you.

--- I don't know why I agree to this--- I should know better than to listen to daredevil David.

He walks towards the center of the falls, and starts climbing up, not holding on to anything. 

The rock is EXTREMELY slippery.

He seems to have his grip, and encourages me to keep going. I see he picks up speed, but i'm not as confident as he is when climbing this waterfall.

As he's getting to the top, I yell for him to wait for me. I'm way behind him! 

"HURRY UP LAZY BITCH!" he yells back. (yeah, we talk to each other like that)  

 I pick up the pace, I lose my footing, I slip, ass first, from stone to stone, bouncing all the way down the water fall. On my way down people are starring at me, pointing. 

I see a tree, I grab it.

I'm literally holding on for dear life as i have now wrapped my body around this tree.

I look up, half in tears, to see David laughing hysterically.

I can't feel my body. My legs are all bruised and in pain.

The tour guide at the top of the falls yells "Are you okay??!!"

I yell back i'm okay (i'm trying to not cry and be REALLY Strong)

David is still laughing. I see the tour guide pointing at me and talking to David at the top of the water fall, I can only imagine what the guy is saying.

I regain my grip, and start up again. 20 min later I make it to the top, VERY SLOWLY.

When i get there, the tour guide looks worried for me, since he see's i'm shaking. He asks me if i'm okay like 30 times. (I mean really guy, i just fell down a waterfall! How do you think i'm doing??)

David, still laughing, explains to me that the tour guide had asked him to go down and help me (thinking I was David's wife) and he replied to him: WIFE! no no, she's just my friend... she's fine.. let her climb up!

Then the tour guide asked to come down and help me, and David again had told him not to.

What a great friend.

After the entire ordeal, we get back in the car for the bumpy ride back to Montego Bay. I had to travel with only half my butt touching the seat because my left side was all bruised at battered from the fall.

How many other people can say they fell down a water fall?? Thank you David for letting me live to tell about it. Jackass.

Here are some pics of our stay:

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